Do you want to stretch your candy making horizons by creating something distinctive? You could, perhaps, concoct chocolate sea shells, using a shell you collected as the pattern, for serving at a beach party. If there are no adequate molds available where you ordinarily buy candy molds and supplies, or your object is unique, you can learn how to make candy molds to achieve your goal.

It is not tricky to produce candy molds with intricate detail that will make delightful candy for years. When you manufacture your own custom molds, your candy will be unique, individualized, and the heart of interest at any party, for sure!

There's no time like the present! Here's how to start.

First, determine what item to craft a mold around. Your first attempts should be flat molds, so use objects where the detail is mainly on one side. Your model could be a seashell with interesting natural features, such as a scallop shell, or maybe a medallion where you could use either side. 3-D molds can also be created to display detail all around, but beginning with easier projects will virtually guarantee you will obtain satisfactory results while building your self-assurance and capability at the same time. You can make chocolates or hard candy in these molds.

4 Simple Steps How to Make Candy Molds

    Fix your model down to your work surface, sealed so that your molding silicone can not get under the shell. You might use "museum putty" for this, or a specialty product made for this step.
    Make up the molding material by following the instructions from the manufacturer. Two-part silicone-based products, such as Silicone Plastique® or CopyFlex? are good quality materials for starters. After mixing the two parts together, you will have about 15 minutes, ordinarily, to apply the material around your model.
    Press a very thin layer of the carefully mixed molding material to your shell, carefully filling all details on the surface. This is followed by a thicker layer, about 1/4 inch or so; you need to be careful that this layer is bonding to the under-layer.
    In about an hour (or normally less) the mold will have cured entirely. The time for your project to set will be detailed in the manufacturer's instruction sheet. Keep in mind, the thicker you construct the mold the less malleable it will be. Still, you require sufficient thickness for stability. Now, easily peel your new custom candy mold from the pattern and it is ready to use after washing with warm soapy water.

Two-part custom candy molds are more difficult to produce, but not so tricky you shouldn't try it! The method here is that you are fashioning two molds which will fit together accurately to reproduce your pattern. By following the manufacturer's directions you will find out how to make candy molds that are usable for years.

    The original model should not have any very raised or depressed details that would make it difficult to remove the candy you create in the mold. If you build the mold at the proper thickness, you will have less trouble anyway as silicone is quite forgiving.

Learning how to make candy molds is easy enough, so I außergewöhnliche streuartikel propose you try it and see if fashioning personalized candy molds is the right answer for your needs! Because not too many candy makers are going to build their own molds, you will truly be ahead of the game in originality and style. To paraphrase the ad, you may pay for a lot in this life, but the looks of pleasure on your friend's and family's faces as you serve treats from your own custom candy molds is, well, priceless!

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    July 2012

